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Le Monde de Greyhawk
par Armenfrast
Polyhedron Newsletter
Upcoming Events

Origins International Game Expo 2005
Columbus, OH
June 30 to July 3, 2005

D&D Miniature Championships
May, June, July, 2005
Various Locations

Sancon XII
June 10 to 12, 2005
San Jacinto College Central
Pasadena, TX

Urnst Con III
June 21 to 24, 2005
Guest House Inn and Suites
Idaho Falls, ID

    Out this Month

Every corner of Faern harbors its own sinister element.  Within
these pages, you will discover everything players and Dungeon Masters need to create the most
evil organizations, treacherous villains, and morally ambiguous antiheroes to ever afflict the Forgotten Realms game setting.

    Out next Month

City of Splendors: Waterdeep
offers an in-depth examination of
the great city of Waterdeep in the Forgotten Realms setting. An overview of the city includes
history, a whos who, information
on laws, and rules for running and playing in a Waterdhavian campaign.  An extensive
appendix gives information on
new equipment, magic items,
psionic powers, poisons, spells,
and more. 

Issue 176 Volume 25 Number 6

Conventional Wisdom

Battle Hardened Diggers Part 1
by Stephen Radney-MacFarland

Chapter 5 of the recently released Heroes of Battle details teamwork benefits for D&D adventuring groups sharing a set of talents and a desire to use those talents for special advantage in the thick of combat.

While the Last War may be over, this special training still remains, and is taught to others by its original practitioners. Many of these specialized groups serve in the various standing armies, militias, mercenary groups, brigand bands, and even adventuring groups throughout Khorvaire.

Since many current members of the Diggers Union are veterans of the Last War (including, most likely, your character) a good number of them are well versed in tactical training, and some gather in groups of like-trained individuals. Within the union, these groups call themselves fellowships.

Sometimes fellowships gather by race, or by nation of origin, but more often than not they gather in groups assembled by virtue of the special training theyve received and taught to other diggers, unusually for some specialized service of the union. Groups are bound not only by their specialized training, but also a set of ideals and goals.   MORE

Foolishly Answered Questions

The players of Five Foot Steps regularly answer your burning questions about roleplaying, game etiquette, and the Dungeons & Dragons rules. Note that we did not specify the answers were particularly helpful or accurate. Consider yourself warned.

Q: One of my players claims he can draw his weapon as a free action, even though I say its a move action. Which of us is correct?

Liana the Goth Chick: The darkness, it swirls about you, obscuring your vision as you travel through the shadows. The valley of death smells of charnel and sulfur, while the sinewy silhouettes of demons glide above you. And lo! You find yourself upon a road, a road paved with the flesh of the innocent. And as your wicked feet trod upon that desecrated path, you come upon an altar of darkness. Carved from the bones of the doomed, the altar reeks of sadness and loss, vomiting forth devastation into the universe like waves in an ocean of blood. Upon this pedestal of horrors sits a book bound in the skin of angels and written in human bile. And on page 141 of that cursed book, in the 4th terrible footnote, you find the sanity-shattering knowledge that drawing your weapon is a free action that can be combined with a move action if you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher.   MORE


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