International Game Expo 2005
Columbus, OH
June 30 to July 3, 2005
Miniature Championships
May, June, July, 2005
Various Locations
May 27 to 30, 2005
Wyndham Inner Harbor Hotel
Baltimore, MD
Internacional 2005
June 3 to 5, 2005
Mart Center
So Paulo, SP
Out this Month
Heroes of Battle provides
everything one needs to know to
play a battle-oriented D&D campaign. You can build military
characters with new feats, spells,
uses for traditional spells, and prestige classes. Information is
given on tools specific to the battlefield, including siege
engines, weapons, magic items, steeds, and other exotic mounts.
Out next Month
The Dungeon Masters Guide II builds upon existing
materials in
the Dungeon Masters Guide.
Chapters include discussion on running a game, designing
adventures, building and using prestige classes, and creating campaign
settings. Ready-made game elements include instant
traps, pre-generated locations, treasures, and a fully realized and
rendered town.
175 Volume 25 Number 5
Many Choices
David Christ
The RPGA runs organized play programs for Dungeons
& Dragons and a number of d20 System games. Somewhere there
is a program suited to your style of play.
With a number of choices comes the possibility of utter
confusion. To help minimize the latter, lets go over the different
campaigns to give you an idea of what you might like to order for your
first event. A good play experience can get your local group hooked on RPGA
play, while a bad experience or bad expectations can sour them quickly
and they may move on to other things. So when you survey the options,
keep your local game audience in mind.
Dungeons & Dragons Campaigns
The newest member to the RPGA family is the D&D
Campaigns. Like the Living Campaigns (see below), D&D
Campaigns are campaign-style games. This means that you create your
own character for the game, and continue to play that character in all
of the corresponding adventures. You can play those adventures at home
or at larger shows and with anyone else who wants to play in the game.
Over the course of your adventures, you are bound to have many table
DMs, each with their own twist on the game. MORE
Union Revealed
Stephen Radney-MacFarland
As RPGA players and DMs begin exploring the Eberron
setting via the Mark of Heroes campaign, many of you have
written and asked about the history and structure of the Diggers
Union, the organization that all Mark of Heroes characters
belong to. This is the first in a series of articles detailing the
structure and history of the organization.
The Diggers Union? The gravediggers unions more like
it. Youll never find a more persistent and pedantic group of meddling
neer-do-wells in all of Khorvaire. They serve no purpose higher than
their belt pouch, and then laud their deeds as true to the virtues
adventure and discovery.
-- Vourt Corintel, agent of the Order of the Emerald
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