Kid on the Block
David Christ
This series of articles is designed to take you from
being the newest member of the RPGA and ordering your first
home game event, to running a gameday at your local gaming store, to
organizing a multiple-day convention at a convention center or hotel.
So let me know what you think and if you have any issues you would like
to see addressed here.
Paperwork? Awww Man!
Yes, playing in RPGA events requires you to fill out paperwork
at the end of each session and report it online after your event is
over. In fact, reporting events late prevents you from ordering future
events. So lets take a moment to go over the session tracking sheet
and what you need to do with it. MORE
Foolishly Answered Questions
The players of Five Foot Steps regularly answer your burning questions
about roleplaying, game etiquette, and the D&D rules. Note
that we did not specify the answers were particularly helpful or
accurate. Consider yourself warned.
Q: Im having a problem with one of my players. Hes
taken a certain combination of feats that makes him a terror in combat.
I mean, hes doing a ton of damage on every hit, and its making some
of the fights end quicker than I wanted. What do I do?
by Doug the Dungeon Master: Your player has obviously worked hard and
read carefully to come up with an effective tactic for melee combat. It
should be clear that, as part of your duty as DM, you need to take it
away from him.
Have you considered retroactive house rules? Ive found
that this technique can be very useful. Simply state that when you
allowed the feat or skill or prestige class into your game, you didnt
properly appreciate its strength. One could argue that it was your job
to evaluate it before allowing it, but I can usually dismiss that by
waving my hand (sometimes accompanied by, Bah!). If possible, rewrite
the feat or class to not only be incapable of reproducing the desired
combo effect, but to be utterly worthless. That will teach them to try
to be efficient!
If that doesnt work for some reason, your next option
is to give every single monster or villain in your campaign world a
means of countering the tactic. If necessary, invent a new feat that
specifically counters the players tacticpreferably in a way that
leaves the player at a disadvantage. Eventually, hell get the
message. MORE